I write to remind myself and encourage others to believe in ourselves, to get all of the nonsense out of the way and truly listen to what our own hearts are telling us.

What’s In Your ToolKit?
Sometimes this diagnosis just brings me to my knees. The why, the wondering, the not-wanting this, the unknown, the fear…god, the fear. It rages and screams and whispers and doesn’t stop. And so I have to. I have to stop. I rest. I dig through the mud until I finally...

There’s so much that pressures us to have it “all” – big houses, more money, top of the line clothing, having our homes look like they are straight out of magazines. It’s all there, all around us. Advertising sprinkled in our relaxing tv time, out our windows as we...

Top Ten Favorite Meals & Food Realizations of 2018
Most of the time we look forward into the new year with plans and goals and hopes. Of course, I've thought of a few things I'd like to try to work on (catch up on my family photos, continue working on letting go of rules and expectations I created for myself, travel...

Finding the Time, Part 3: Where’s Your Love?
Sometimes this new phenomenon of self-care can feel like one more thing to do, in an already over-booked schedule. When I needed to incorporate it into my life, I found myself over and over, writing out my daily schedule. Where or how could I fit this in? Exercise,...

Becoming a Wahls Warrior
There really wasn’t a lot of time where I contemplated becoming a Wahls Warrior. During diagnosis time, I did not feel comforted or settled by medication in any way. I wasn't experiencing such intense symptoms that I needed relief. So when my sweet sister sent me the...

Breaking the Lies
Part of my healing these last few years has definitely been through decreasing inflammatory foods, exercising regularly and building muscle, working on getting consistent and enough sleep, meditation, and stress-reduction. But one aspect of my healing that has been...

"I realize I have a choice. I can let this life crush me. Bearing down on me until I am dead. Or I can bear the weight. And live." The inspiring, Simon Fitzmaurice, from It's Not Yet Dark It was three years ago in June, I was given a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. ...

Finding Emotional Strength
The devil whispered in my ear, "You're not strong enough to withstand the storm." Today I whispered in the devil's ear, "I am the storm." unknown Emotional exhaustion can lurk around for many reasons - unsatisfying work or home lives, having stressful family...

After digging into nutrition quite a bit, I have realized that there is a tremendous amount of information out there and we are learning more and more all of the time. There are so many different ways to eat, and things to eat, that I feel like each of them has their...

Finding the Time, Part Two
Time with my honey or time to prep some healthy delicious meals? Why not both? This week's post is a recommendation for you and your significant other or best friend to spend some quality time together while also prepping for a healthy week or future. Find a sitter,...

Rock It
I cannot say enough about this new workout challenge I came across, The Betty Rocker. (Or my adorable nephew pictured above.) I signed up for the 30 day challenge and it was AWESOME! FREE, 15 minutes every day, & totally challenging. Especially with this lull in...

Full Menu and Notes
PDF of Menu Sunday Toast and yogurt, mac and cheese, and burgers Monday Egg muffins, soup and grilled cheese, and pancakes Tuesday Oatmeal, turkey sandwiches, and chicken in the crockpot Wednesday Leftover Day! Thursday Oatmeal, turkey rolls, and ordered pizza...

Don't forget to check out the info on our Real Food Journey if you'd like the details of what we strive for in our home. There are links to each day and a printable PDF of the week as a whole. Last, but not least, one of my favorite days of the week...Saturday!...

Don't forget to check out the info on our Real Food Journey if you'd like the details of what we strive for in our home. There are links to each day and a printable PDF of the week as a whole. Breakfast We woke up on the later side today, and didn't have time...

Resistance Training
MS is 100% BS. But, you can't dwell on it. You have to move on. Once I jumped on the Wahls Protocol shortly after my diagnosis I was eating in an entirely new way for my body. I was also in a state of panic, anxiety, and fear. So, within a few months of my diagnosis I...

Don't forget to check out the info on our Real Food Journey if you'd like the details of what we strive for in our home. There are links to each day and a printable PDF of the week as a whole. Breakfast Oatmeal with raisins and finely chopped raw mixed nuts...

All In A Day
A day is a perfect piece of time to live a life, to plant a seed, to watch the sun go by. A day starts early, work to do, beneath a brand-new sky. A day brings hope and kindness, too... a day is all its own. You can make a wish, and start again, you can find...

Don't forget to check out the info on our Real Food Journey if you'd like the details of what we strive for in our home. There are links to each day and a printable PDF of the week as a whole. Sometimes I feel like mid-week gets the best of me. The craziness...

Don't forget to check out the info on our Real Food Journey if you'd like the details of what we strive for in our home. There are links to each day and a printable PDF of the week as a whole. Breakfast Oatmeal with blueberries Also, this morning I put a rub on a...

Don't forget to check out the info on our Real Food Journey if you'd like the details of what we strive for in our home. There are links to each day and a printable PDF of the week as a whole. Oh, Monday. Mondays can be hard, so it's nice to make a favorite,...

Don't forget to check out the info on our Real Food Journey if you'd like the details of what we strive for in our home. There are links to each day and a printable PDF of the week as a whole. Breakfast Sunday started out with He-Man (yes, our kids found a He-Man DVD...

Real Food Journey
No matter where you lie on the belief system of eating real, whole food, I think most of us agree that the Standard American Diet can be pretty rough on our bodies. Because I am a nutritionist, and because I eat as a way to feed my body with it's MS imbalances, I am...

I knew being grateful was a practice people used to enjoy life a little bit more, and I wanted to bring it into ours. We brought it to our dinner table three years ago, and still to this day, every time we sit together to eat my kids now remind us (and whoever is...

You Are The Magic
Dieting can be hard. Finding a diet you can stick with forever can be even harder. Sometimes diets focus on limiting our menus, and to be honest, that just kinda sucks. If someone tells you that you can’t eat something, then you end up wanting it pretty badly. My...

Finding the Time, part 1
Finding the time for all of it can sometimes feel impossible. There are so many things that we want to do, and so many things we have to do, and when you add a partner or kids into the mix it all quadruples. So one of the best things I have found to do besides the...

Starting Their Lives in Color
Keeping color on my kids' plate has been my way of encouraging them to eat their veggies since they were babies. We started them with colorful soft foods~ steamed veggies, avocado, and so forth. I just loved seeing them with a colorful plate. And for some reason, I...

The Wahls Protocol
Good teachers inspire you; great teachers show you how to inspire yourself every day of your life. They don't show you their magic. They show you how to make magic of your own. Alfred Doblin I will never regret giving myself the time to think about my body, my...

Fit for Life
I used to think that being fit meant that I needed to spend time in the gym. Hours. I had to do cardio, lift weights, stretch. I had to do it all. When I was younger, I had the time for those 1-2 hour gym excursions. Not anymore. That may change and it may not, but...

That Facebook scroll that shows me a million articles on how my life is not quite good enough, the political rhetoric on the media that has me so confused that I feel a loss of control, the pressure to have my kids involved enough to enjoy activities but not involved...

Let Yourself Be Loved
Sometimes your husband takes you to go see a favorite band in the most beautiful place, and you have the best time, and they don't have a poster left when you get to the front of the line. And then sometimes your best friend scours the internet for months, and finally...

The Magic of a Photo
If we are ever to enjoy this life, now is the time, not tomorrow or next year...Today should always be our most wonderful day. Thomas Dreier You have to get use to the feeling that 'a most wonderful day' doesn't have to mean much of anything happened. It...

Ditch the Rules
Most of my life I ate whatever I wanted whenever I wanted it. I was overweight for a chunk of time where life was difficult, but even when I wasn't, the nutrients I was choosing to give my body weren't optimal. I would occasionally try and follow a diet or program,...

Nutrition Insight and Hope
Here a just a few of those resources that give me insight, enlightenment, hope, and inspiration. "The excess protein in our diet has promoted excess oxidation, and we no longer consume enough plant-produced antioxidants to contain and neutralize the damage." (WHOLE:...

Just a Friend
Hold on to what is good, Even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what you believe, Even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you must do, Even if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, Even if it's easier to let go. Hold on to my hand,...

Small Doesn’t Mean Worthless
Keeping our kiddos healthy is a priority for every parent. Eating nutritious, real food is one of the best ways that we can keep our kids healthy and set them on a path to keep themselves healthy as well. In my mind, as a new mother, a huge garden sounded completely...