by dandelionprodu | Feb 22, 2018 | Fitness
I cannot say enough about this new workout challenge I came across, The Betty Rocker. (Or my adorable nephew pictured above.) I signed up for the 30 day challenge and it was AWESOME! FREE, 15 minutes every day, & totally challenging. Especially with this lull in...
by dandelionprodu | Feb 3, 2018 | Nutrition
PDF of Menu Sunday Toast and yogurt, mac and cheese, and burgers Monday Egg muffins, soup and grilled cheese, and pancakes Tuesday Oatmeal, turkey sandwiches, and chicken in the crockpot Wednesday Leftover Day! Thursday Oatmeal, turkey rolls, and ordered pizza...
by dandelionprodu | Feb 3, 2018 | Nutrition
Don’t forget to check out the info on our Real Food Journey if you’d like the details of what we strive for in our home. There are links to each day and a printable PDF of the week as a whole. Last, but not least, one of my favorite days of the...
by dandelionprodu | Feb 2, 2018 | Nutrition
Don’t forget to check out the info on our Real Food Journey if you’d like the details of what we strive for in our home. There are links to each day and a printable PDF of the week as a whole. Breakfast We woke up on the later side today, and...
by dandelionprodu | Feb 1, 2018 | Fitness
MS is 100% BS. But, you can’t dwell on it. You have to move on. Once I jumped on the Wahls Protocol shortly after my diagnosis I was eating in an entirely new way for my body. I was also in a state of panic, anxiety, and fear. So, within a few months of my...